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Re: default info browser

Alex Malinovich <demonbane@the-love-shack.net> wrote:


> (NOTE: Off-list reply from Sebastian to my accidental off-list post,
> being forwarded on his behalf for the sake of the archives.)


> So why don't you use Emacs' shell mode? With M-x shell (or eshell or term,
> whichever you prefer) you have your command line, and with C-h i you have
> your info. But if you insist in starting Emacs from another console,
> perhaps writing your own function in your shell startup file (e.g.
> ~/.bashrc) that uses something like 'emacs -nw -f info' taking an argument
> for the lisp 'info' function (read 'man emacs' and 'C-h f info' inside
> Emacs) is the way to go.

To elaborate:

function myinfo { emacs -q -nw --eval "(info \"$1\")"; }

and calling it like:

myinfo '(emacs)'                    # go to top node
myinfo '(emacs)option index'        # go to some node

should be close to what you want.

Sebastian P. Luque

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