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Re: xorg and virtual terminals still

Bill Thompson wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:54:22 -0700
Paul Scott <paslist@ultrasw.com> wrote:

Starting a new thread which may or may not be the same problem as the others had with virtual terminals. On one of three machines that I switched to xorg when I go to a virtual terminal I get a text mode screen with various colored stripes and no readable characters. I can tell that the VT's are actually working. I can log in but the screen is unreadable (because of all the unwanted ANSI escape codes?). reset doesn't help.

I am running the latest xorg packages and have done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Any ideas?

It sounds more like a video driver issue that the XKB trouble we were
discussing earlier. Have you tried using a frame buffer setting
like VESA for your driver?
I guess I don't really understand how this is working. I switched the video driver to VESA instead of s3/virge which is the correct one and the one I used with Xfree86. This did solve the VT problem. If this is what you me can you refer me to something to read to understand how this works?

I still have to change the mouse protocol to ImPs/2 each time I dpkg-reconfigure since it gets set to Imtellimouse with presenting me the opportunity to change it to ImPS/2 during the dpkg-reconfigure. Do I need to temporarily change the mouse to /dev/psaux instead of /dev/gpmdata to change the protocol?

Thanks, Paul

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