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Etch vs. Sarge -- can't make up my mind

Dear friends:

Based on what I have learned tonight about Debian, I am 
not certain yet which option I will choose: Etch or Sarge, 
testing or stable.

Here is my choice:

Choose Sarge (STABLE) which can only be updated with a 
few specialized apt-get sources such as apt.get.org or 


Choose Etch (TESTING) and get the latest releases until 
Etch becomes stable.

I do have one more question about Etch: To install it, I have 
downloaded the 100 MB + net install ISO file. What 
happens when Etch reaches STABLE? Will I be able to 
continue downloading TESTING packages. Or is this net 
install and the "testing" distro really strictly an ETCH testing 
distro. That is, when Etch becomes stable, can I just 
continue downloading and upgrading packages in testing 
(since I will be in testing) or will I have to start all over 

Would appreciate your clarification.

Thank you.


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