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Re: Etch vs. Sarge -- can't make up my mind

Benjamin Sher wrote:

Dear friends:

Based on what I have learned tonight about Debian, I am not certain yet which option I will choose: Etch or Sarge, testing or stable.

Here is my choice:

Choose Sarge (STABLE) which can only be updated with a few specialized apt-get sources such as apt.get.org or backports.org
apt-.get.org, backports.org are not officially endorsed by Debian. Many people use them. So you might not have problem. But it is good to know that the packages from these sites are not official Debian packages.

I do have one more question about Etch: To install it, I have downloaded the 100 MB + net install ISO file. What happens when Etch reaches STABLE? Will I be able to continue downloading TESTING packages. Or is this net install and the "testing" distro really strictly an ETCH testing distro. That is, when Etch becomes stable, can I just continue downloading and upgrading packages in testing (since I will be in testing) or will I have to start all over again?
Others have already given the answer. I just wanted to mention that this is an FAQ and please see Q. 15 and Q. 16 on


I have already given this link to you. The fact that you are asking this again either means that (1) The above FAQ is not well written to be understood by a newbie or (2) you just forgot to read it. If it is the first case, I would be interested to know where you are having trouble understanding it so that I can make appropriate changes.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Graduate Student, MAE
Cornell University

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