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Re: Creating a task launcher.....

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 09:40:38AM -0400, Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:
> > What's wrong with lowering the brain use of the user?
>     Atrophy.

I think maybe we're looking at the problem in two different
ways: your point seems to be that it would be better for
users if they behaved in a certain way, and mine is that we
can't expect them to do so.

If we agree that we can't expect users to learn vim or emacs
or the command-line, and yet we're still focused on
displacing Windows with Linux, then it seems to me that we
have to focus on how the world is rather than how it should

>    They had to pass a test to be allowed to drive, which probably
>    required at least a little reading and/or instruction.

Well, yes: so that they wouldn't kill people. The
consequences of being unable to use a command line (which is
different from "computer illiteracy" -- being computer
literate means being able to use a web browser, word
processor, &c.) are pretty minor, really.

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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