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Re: Good backup software for Linux

On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:20:59AM +0200, Maurits van Rees wrote:

> I read this as: you make a backup on Monday. You delete some files on
> Tuesday. You restore from backup on Wednesday and this will restore
> all files including the deleted ones. Usually getting back a deleted
> file is why you backup in the first place. So this seems normal
> behaviour.

What about the scenario where you make a backup on Monday, delete some
files on Tuesday, and then you have a disk crash on Wednesday. So you go
to backup to restore the disk. You want the disk to be restored to the
state it was as of the last backup, which means you don't want the file
that was deleted on Tuesday. 

> I don't know how every backup program manages differential backups and
> if they take note when a file or directory has been deleted. I would
> suggest a full daily backup if possible. But that depends on how much
> data you have.

The VMS backup facility did this correctly -- you took a full backup
once a month and incrementals every day (this was back in the days where
9 track tape was most common). If you had a disk crash, you did a
restore starting with the last incremental tape and working backwards to
the full tape. At the end of it all, your disk contained just the files
that existed prior to the disk crash, not every file that had been
created since the last full backup.

With limited disk space, this was pretty important -- you probably wouldn't
have had enough room to do the restore if it didn't do it that way.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
dave@rudedog.org | http://www.rudedog.org/ | ICQ:161669680

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