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Re: Eliminating upgrade confusion

On Friday 10 June 2005 13:37, Guillaume TESSIER was heard to say:
> Thanks Curt!

You're very welcome.

> I guess many users choose sarge testing cause woody was pretty
> outdated.

Yep. And they were warned, many times in many forums, that when Sarge 
went "stable" then "testing" would be a nightmare for months, at 
least, with updating and, well, TESTING! That's kind of the point.

> However, i'm not a purist and thought i'd just stick with 
> sarge when i get stable - at least for the first years.

That is a wise course of action, which I would recommend to anyone who 
wants to track the "testing" branch.

Personally, I use either stable or unstable depending on application. 
I don't like the way that testing goes to the wall (like right now), 
nor that things can be broken in testing for quite a while as 
problems are thrashed out. No promises of stability in testing, again 
that is kind of the point.

> However some of my friends are quiet upset.

They should file wish-list bugs against apt, asking that the name be 
tracked. At least, it will spur discussion amongst the developers.

> So, yes, by default, it could be great that the installer put the
> real name of the version cause for certain users, the "slide"
> looked more like a grind.

No kidding! When I first read the descriptions of Debian (which was my 
first Linux distribution too!), I tried "testing". It didn't work, 
same as testing isn't working right now, and someone gave me the same 
advice I've given. Go stable at first, upgrade as needed when needed.

> G


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