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Re: Re: Setting up DNS Primary and Secondary Server


 I don't know if you solved it already, anyway
the problem is that /etc/bind is like

drwxr-sr-x   2 root   bind     4096 2005-06-04 16:28 bind

 Where you can see, only root can write inside. Because
is bind user who runs /usr/sbin/named , when it tries to
copy from /tmp just downloaded zone file to /etc/bind it
can't obviously.

 So you must grant bind to write in /etc/bind, what can
be achieved giving write permission to group bind, with

 chmod g+w /etc/bind

 Then restart or reload bind and its done, you can tail
/var/log/daemon.log to see everything is ok but the better
demonstration is that the file describing the slave zone
is there.

 Best regards,


@@@@        @@@  |
@kk@   @@@  @!!@ |
@kk@  @kk@  @!!@ | Carlos Juan Martín Pérez
@k@  @kk@   @!@  |
@k@@kkk@    @@   |
@kkkkk@          |       k@ues.edu.sv
@kkk@kk@    @    |  k@academica.ues.edu.sv
@kk@ @kk@  @!@   | carlitos@martinperez.com
@@@@  @@@@  @    |

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        Con el susurro de su silencio,
    apartará el velo que oculta tus ojos...
sólo entonces verás lo que antes apenas mirabas.


Servicio de Correo Institucional - UES.

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