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Re: [xine-user] Cracking noise playing Audio CDs on kaffeine/xine

On Mon 30 May 05,  6:19 PM, Paulo M C Aragão <yagpaulo-listas@yahoo.com> said:
> Hi Peter,
> On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 04:56:13PM -0400, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > james was suggesting to kill arts and see if your sound is any better.  this
> > effectively kills the middleman -- your audio program will interact directly
> > with the sound hardware instead of needing to interact with another user
> > land program which in turn will interact with the audio hardware.  so:
> First of all, thank you so much for taking the time for such a detailed
> and patient explanation. It really set the ground clear for me.
my pleasure!

> I killed arts (actually disabled Sound System at KDE's Control Center,
> but made sure the process wasn't really running) and tried to play an
> audio CD again:
> With kaffeine/xine  the same cracking/skipping sound while playing
> With kscd	    played perfectly
> So, excluded sound daemon, hardware and mixer, would be there be
> anything else to look into ?
Not really, but we can try to grasp at straws.

Try this:

1. Open kaffeine/xine and start playing something.
2. Open a mixer program.  Make sure the settings are not cranked up
   while kaffeine is playing.

Does kaffeine have some kind of audio output plugin?  Perhaps an audio
output thing (like using libsdl or native alsa for audio, kinda like how
mplayer does it).

Does kaffeine still crackle if you "renice -20" it?

Sorry, I didn't realize that an app actually worked OK.  That makes it much
harder.  These suggestions are all grasping at straws, so please don't
laugh.  :)


Every theory is killed sooner or later, but if the theory has good in it,
that good is embodied and continued in the next theory. -- Albert Einstein

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