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Re: Not able to start X

Software Development Group wrote:
I already tried that and still does not work. If I try loadind X I get an error saying:

Fatal server error:
no screens found
Just double-checking; you already tried "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", not "dpkg-reconfigure xdm", right?

Try choosing SVGA (or VGA) as your video driver. Also, make sure the changed driver shows up in "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"; if that file has been manually edited, the "dpkg-reconfigure" won't touch it (and doesn't warn you of this) without doing the steps at the top of the file.

If the SVGA driver works, you may just need to live with that, or get a different video card, or choose the correct driver for the video card in this "new" box.

(PS: Also, no need to CC: me; I already read the list; don't need two copies of the message. Thanks!)

Kent West
Technology Support
Abilene Christian University

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