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Re: [OT] Re: uk general election

geoffthur@ntlworld.com wrote:
One thing that matters to me is the state of the internet - spam,
cracking, organised crime and the like.

Dear Geoff,
good luck with your plight but please understand that writing you are against spam and writing this note to this list is a bit contradictory to say the least.


Ouch. At the very least I should have marked it OT, so apologies for
that. Would it have been more acceptable, though, if I had not disclosed
why I wanted the discussion and just asked the questions? I'm sorry you
think I've spammed the list: I'd be mortified if this was the majority
view. Thanks for your reply, Bob, anyway.

Dear Geoff,
I regret if I have been harsh. Not my intention at all (English is not my mothertongue and therefore could be losing the nuances. Thought that a "Dear","good luck" etc. prologue would show my sympathy). I would personally have preferred a short note pointing out to a web page (forum, wiki) that I could go to if I was interested reading about your stances and proposals. Marking OT is a good behaviour.

The disclosure of the cause of your questions is frank and I appreciate it but I consider this to be irrelevant to my observation on the content which I expect on this list.

Debian-user web page says the purpose of this list is: Support for Debian users who speak English.

I agree with others saying politics should be of interest to us but when I subscribe to a debian-user list it is not for that purpose.

Of course this might be only an issue to me and again I wish you luck with your cause.


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