Printing and silly students
I'm trying to put together a system to control pointless print jobs at
my school. I o to a small boarding school with a Windows-based
computer lab of about 20 machines at any given time. Occasionally,
some lunkhead will decide that it's a good idea to print a page about
the dangers of huffing turpentine 99 times. This goes to be a big pain
after a while (not to mention a lot of toner and paper).
Right now, I'm putting together a plan to revamp the entire school's
network with Linux (more than likely Debian) machines to control
traffic and enforce network policy. I'm looking for a way of making
people responsible for their print jobs from Windows machines as well
as wireless users on their own laptops. We really just need a way to
find who issued a print job when big wastes come out of the network
printer. I am thinking of some kind of Samba solution, but I'm at a
loss of what to do. So, I'm asking list if they have any ideas.
Anything is appreciated.
Jonathan Lassoff
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