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Re: Installing XOrg?

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Patrick Kirchner wrote on 04.04.2005 19:52:
| Hello,
| I'd like to replace XFree86 with XOrg but can't seem to find any packages.
| I'm running Debian Sid and was wondering if there is a way I can move to
| XOrg without compiling from scratch?
| Thanks much,
| Patrick.

Hi, after some googling I found this [1,2] which seems to have
everything you need to run X.org on sid I haven't looked into them
myself but from experience there shouldn't be to much donwloading of
additional packages  involved to get it running in sarge. I realize
you're running sid already but I guess there are quite a few people 'out
there' that want X.org too and they might not be running.

I have no idea how 'stable' these packages are, especially keeping in
mind that I've heard some horror stories of bugs in X.org (which might
not be acute anymore). But considering you're running sid I guess you've
already had your share of torn out hair and know what you're asking for =)

Additionaly if found this [3] HOWTO on 'Installing a non-intrusive X.org
server on Debian' which requires BFS.

Cheers, Roman.

[1]	deb http://debian.linux-systeme.com unstable main
	deb-src http://debian.linux-systeme.com unstable main
[2]	http://debian.linux-systeme.com/
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