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dns admin questions

I'm using tinydns built from the djbdns source package on debian sarge
and it works great. I'm not that experienced with admin'ing DNS though,
and I need to make a couple of changes. So, some questions:

(1)  If I no longer what tinydns to provide dns services for one of the
domains, do I simply delete all references to the domain out of the
data file and then type make?

(2)  How do I redirect mx records? My current entry for a domain is:


I'm considering pointing these to Fastmail.fm, which provides the
following directions:

    * in1.smtp.messagingengine.com (first, preference=10)
    * in2.smtp.messagingengine.com (second, preference=20)

Does this mean I should make the records:


What about the "300"? I believe that the 300 is the TTL for the whole
domain, so i"m not sure what to do with it in regards to the mx

Any help appreciated.


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