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Re: Bounty system for people helping on debian-user

* Bob Alexander:
> I was struck by the beta trial of a bounty system paying 5 bucks to 
> people helping with firefox/thuinderbird problems (cannot find that page 
> anymore but I am sure I have seen it last week with credit card payment).
> I was wondering if anyone in the Debian project has ever considered to 
> setup a mechamism for helpers to catch support requests and get some 
> little monetary reward for helping.

I don't think that there is any need for that. I myself am always glad
when I am able to help someone. I am a Debian user for three or four
years now and I know that I would've never got that far without other
people's voluntary help. So I think the best way to express gratitude is
to do the same to other newbies.

If you really, really appreciate how someone helped you out you could
still contact him privately and ask for a favor you could do to him/her.
Many people also have public wishlists no amazon and the like.

BTW, I was very happy to receive your last mail. :-)

I will not admit to failure even when I know I am terribly mistaken and
have offended others.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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