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Re: Acrobat 7.0 for linux is out

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 05:37:56PM -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> The question is, how do I get /opt/bin into the default PATH?  It would
> appear that as long as I run moz from an xterm (where the PATH is set
> by /etc/profile), it works.  If I run it from the Menu, it doesn't work.
> I am wondering if maybe X or gdm ignore the ENV_PATH specification.

I will attach a file for the menu system which will add acroread to the

If your menu system is configured per user, store it in ~/.menu/ and
run update-menus as a user.  Otherwise, if it's configured globally,
store it in /etc/menu and run update-menus as root.

I use blackbox and it doesn't seem that a package install updates the
local user's menu files, (but it seemed that it did for KDE), so I
installed it in /etc/menu and don't worry about it.

I'll attach it for convenience if it gets through, and also copy it into
the text for just in case it gets stripped  Adjust the path in the
command string to fit your situation.  Blackbox doesn't display icons,
but if your setup does, you should have an acroread.png somewhere.

--------- save it as "acroread" -----------
?package(local.acroread): command="/usr/local/bin/acroread" \
icon="acroread.png" needs="x11" section="Office/" \
title="Acroread" longtitle="Adobe Acrobat PDF file reader" \
mimetypes="application/pdf" charset="ISO-8859-1"
-----------  cut ----------------------
?package(local.acroread): command="/usr/local/bin/acroread" \
icon="acroread.png" needs="x11" section="Office/" \
title="Acroread" longtitle="Adobe Acrobat PDF file reader" \
mimetypes="application/pdf" charset="ISO-8859-1"

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