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Sarge installation - want to install testing but always have unstable

Jean, I'm no expert and post to this list all the time for help. However, I may be able to point you in the right direction. If you want to download and install testing distributions instead of unstable, first modify you apt sources.list file to show testing instead of unstable. Then when you do an #apt-get update, the list of testing distributions will be placed in your apt-cache and can be listed with #apt-cache search (dist name or maybe *.* to list all files). After you do the apt update, you can do #apt-get install (name of whatever file you want ot install from list) or anp-get upgrade or dist-upgrade to upgrade your packages already on you PC. You know you must be root user to do this, I'm sure. What I don't know is if you have to do something special in order to go back to a lesser distribution level(ie., unstable to testing). Perhaps, someone with expert experience can clarify that point.

Also, if you have internet access, forget the CD's and set up your sources.list file to access the Debian mirror sites instead of the CD's. You will have the most currect update info that way. There is an example file on how to do this somewhere on your drive, or should be. You might try $ man sources.list or $ locate sources.list. One of the doc files or man doc should show the exact contest for the mirror listings. Just remember, you have to change to mirror listings to testing, if you want testing, as is may have either stable,
testing or unstable or woody, sarge or sid in some cases.

Hope this helps you get started the right way with Debian. I was going through this kind of thing myself only about three months ago and still have much to learn. If I made any errors, someone will surely correct me. Enjoy the experience. Unless your a programmer or linux expert, you'll visit the list again and probably other list to get the help you need.

Leonard Chatagnier

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