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Re: to use the FQDN in /etc/hostname or not?

Yea, I'm not worried about DNS, and I know that's already setup right.
 I just had questions regarding if the FQDN belongs in /etc/hostname
or not.  It appears to work fine with or without it (but It's the
shortname now).  The FQDN in /etc/hosts makes 'hostname --fqdn'
display the expected output. (seems I have stuff not compile because
hostname --fqdn freaks out, but that was ages ago? ... )

$ hostname --fqdn

$ cat /etc/hostname

$ grep www /etc/hosts www.example.com www

So there we have it.

<rant size="mini">
And yes, if I ask a question in English, the best response is ..
expected to be in English =).  Does your IMAP server respond with
RADIUS replies? why no. Or POP3 with the HTTP protocol? - no, why
that's just plain silly.

An on line language translation did help some, but it's only so good...

Thanks Robert, Laurent,

Adieu (from the Middle English, not from Old French of "a dieu")

Scott Edwards
Daxal Communications - http://www.daxal.com
Surf the USA - http://www.surfthe.us

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