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Re: [OT] Any quick pointers on GIMP scripting?

This is a partial answer to some of your questions

On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 05:00:34AM +0000, Stephen Tait wrote:
> Yargh, this has to be the worst job ever. A client has landed a rush job on 
> us in that they need about 6GB of TIFF files (from scanned documents) 
> converted into OCR'd PDF's within the next 3-4 days. Yay.
> The problem is the images we've been given are utter cack. Firstly, because 
> of Kodak's seeming inability to produce decent drivers, the pages are 
> inexplicably surrounded by huge black borders. Because the papers are all 
> of different sizes and aspect ratios, there is no way I can do an 
> ImageMagick/IrfanView batch crop on them. I found the GIMP's autocrop tool 
> worked perfectly on the sample images I downloaded to my home machine, so 
> I've set about making a batch process script for it.

I managed to learn to use perl-fu reasonably quickly. I'm not such a big
fan of the "Lots of Isolated Silly Parentheses" like stuff found in

It might be easier to do the general file management stuff in perl than
in scrpt-fu as well.

> Secondly, as well as mixed borders, we also have mixed TIFF formats. Most 
> of the images are in standard 2-colour Group4 fax compression, but they're 
> interleaved with 256 colour LZW TIFF's and 24bit colour JPEG TIFF's.
> So I'm frantically trying to come up with a script-fu for GIMP that can 
> take all of this into account. I'm currently attempting to use the glob 
> plugin to take care of the fact we have around 200 directories full of 
> images (so it'll process /path/to/images/*/*.tif), although I'm not sure if 
> the glob in GIMP 2.2.0 supports this (although I'll have access to 2.2.2 at 
> work).
> Secondly, what is a drawable? I've seen vague references to it in the 
> script-fu guides I've skimmed over, but I am at a loss to see where they 
> fit into the bigger picture. Do I need to convert a file into a drawable, 
> run the autocrop on that, and then pipe that into an image somehow?

I think it's something you can draw to - like a layer or a mask or a
channel, etc

> Thirdly, does anyone know if there's some way to specify a "save this TIFF 
> in the same format/colour depth you opened it in" option? If not, I can 
> save all output as full colour LZW's and let Adobe Capture do the 
> resampling, but it's going to cost a fortune in discspace and I doubt the 
> client will be happy either.

One issue you will have, is that gimp doesn't have a true bilevel mode 
(a *big* shortfall if you ask me). It will load the faxg4 images as
greyscale and the best it can do is to save as a paletted image wth a
palette containing only two colours. You'll then have to convert back to
tiffg4 using ImageMagick - but this might be possibly to do within your
perl script or maybe scheme aswell - I've not looked far enough.

As far as telling the difference, maybe there is a gimp scripting
function to count the number of unique colours?

> Sorry to sound like a complete I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing, but I probably 
> don't  I'm chowing my way through HOWTO's in between trying to write the 
> script as we speak, but would greatly appreciate any advice the community 
> could give me, if only to be able to get to bed before the sun comes 
> up  Yay for still working at 5am
> P.S. if anyone has any other suggestions for applications that'll batch 
> remove arbitary black borders (be they Linux or Windows, although I don't 
> have the power to buy stuff myself) they too would be welcome.

David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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