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Re: How to Kanji(Japanese charactor input mode)??

> Could you tell me what can be done if I cannot
> start Kanji( Japanese character ) input mode
> by pressing Ctrl+space/ Shift+space.

Do you have a canna server running?

To have that running, I had to install the following packages:

canna canna-shion (for servers)
kinput2-canna kinput2-common libcanna1g (for input methods)

Then 'dpkg-reconfigure locales', to generate the ja_JP.EUP-JP locale

Finally, at the prompt,

$ kinput2 -canna -xim -kinput &
$ export LANG=ja_JP; export LC_ALL=ja_JP;export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2"

Then you should be able to input Japanese characters with Shift-Space, for
applications started from the same prompt where the kinput2/export commands
were given.

Since I only occasionally need japanese input, I bother to do this manually,
but you could put this stuff in your .bashrc for instance, for permanent
availability, and use for applications launched from desktop icons, etc.



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