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How can I make a kernel package that is _identical_ to those available for download?

Hi folks,

I asked this on debian-kernel about 8 hours ago but didn't
get any replies.

I've tried about half a dozen times over the last year to compile
a working kernel for my old 233MHz machine.  I thought I might
have had a defective processor (a K6) but I've changed it to a
genuine Intel Pentium and still had no success.  I can
successfully install one of the precompiled kernel images,
but compiling one on my box has failed so far.  At one point I
filed a bug report but Herbert Xu was unable/unwilling to help.

I am currently running RC1 of sarge with a 2.4.27 kernel that I downloaded as a kernel image, but I've previously tried with
3.0r1 with 2.4.18 and other 2.4.x kernels, as well as an early
2.6.x kernel source.

I now have:

    kernel-source-2.4.27_2.4.27-6_all.deb (30M)

I thought I knew what to do with this, but my past failures in
compiling kernels on this box make me wary.

I also have

    kernel-image-2.4.27_2.4.27-6.tar.gz (95K)

but I can't understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
I've unpacked it but it seems to be for those who already
know how it works - there's no readme or help I can see.
I also have:

    kernel-build-2.4.27_2.4.27-6_i386.deb (8K)

but I don't really know what to do with it either.

I do have kernel-package installed.

As far as I can tell, the latest testing kernel image for Pentium is:

    kernel-image-2.4.27-1-586tsc_2.4.27-6_i386.deb (11.5M)

What commands do I need to issue in order to generate a .deb that is
_identical_ to that?  I assume I have to use make-kpkg, and it probably
depends on the precise version of the compiler.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Rossc.

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