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Re: Article about apt-build

really quick question, as I haven't used apt-build yet and am on a ms box at work... I've just read the pdf howto here:

If I set up apt-build for my system and run "apt-build world" (let's assume it's set up correctly and doesn't bomb), will that download, build and install every package on my machine even if I haven't built those packages yet using apt-build??

That command will do it all, even if the current version numbers at the repository aren't greater than my current version numbers? Like an instant upgrade from regular i386 packages to processor-optimized packages? I'm guessing that would be the step that comes after the author checks his watch and notices it's quarter past midnight in your linked article....

Julien Danjou wrote:


I have translated a french article about apt-build. This is a quick
introduction about its usage.
I hope this could help some people to use this software and to make it
better by sending patches, for example. :-)

apt-build: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/apt-build
French: http://shaddai.nerim.net/apt-build/
English: http://julien.danjou.info/article-apt-build.html


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