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pam-mkhomedir problems


I've set up an LDAP server (openLDAP) on a box called 'earth'. 
On box 'venus' I'm using the LDAP to get user info for users with
UID>=1000. I've set up nsswitch. When I run `getent passwd` I get the
local users and the users from the LDAP (bert,griet and kobe):


The user 'bert' is also locally known (in /etc/passwd and related files).

Next I've set up ssh with PAM to use the LDAP. It works perfectly for
the user 'bert', but when I try a different user, say 'griet' the ssh
session dies after typing the password. /var/log/auth.log says:

Dec 19 00:20:26 venus sshd[1180]: Accepted password for griet from port 1142 ssh2
Dec 19 00:20:26 venus PAM-mkhomedir[1191]: unable to create home
directory /home/griet
Dec 19 00:20:26 venus sshd[1191]: fatal: PAM session setup failed[6]:
Permission denied

So pam-mkhomedir.so wasn't able to create the home directory. Looking
at it further showed that this is normal: the sshd process runs under
the user logged in, which means 'griet' and this user of course
doesn't have the sufficient rights to create a directory under /home.

I've googled and haven't found a decent solution to this problem. Some
of the suggestions were:

 1/ chmod 777 on /home 
    I'm not even considering this one. Even a nicer version of this
    isn't acceptable, I don't want a normal user being able to create
    directories in /home.

 2/ make sshd always run as root
    This will makes my machine more vulnerable, won't it ? The 
    'venus' machine is visible on the internet as it is my

Does anyone have a suggestion ? 


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