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Re: What will happens when sarge becomes stable?

On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 10:10:37PM -0200, feanor7 wrote:
> Actually my servers have cron-apt installed and every night they do
> "apt-get update". At morning I check the possible changes and decide
> which packages should be upgraded. Most of time I do a "apt-get
> dist-upgrade" and life continues.

Why don't you do `apt-get upgrade'? I am under the impression that
`apt-get dist-upgrade' is only meant to be used when you are switching
from one distribution to another, e.g. from woody to sarge.

Also, you do an automatic update at night and a manual upgrade in the
morning. I wonder if things can go (slightly) wrong because of the
time span in between. Some packages may have gotten a new version in
the meantime. An upgrade would then be requesting a package that is no
longer on the server.  I would always do an update just before doing
the actual upgrade. In the stable branch there aren't many updates
anyway, so it won't take long.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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