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[OT] Searching for a new upstream maintainer of Muttprint


at first, what is Muttprint? Muttprint is a small Perl script to print
mails in Mutt and other text-based mail clients in a friendly way.

I've been working on Muttprint for 3 years. It was my first OpenSource
project, it was my first real Perl program and it has been useful for me
and lots of other people. Of course, it's still useful.

But my interests have changed in that time. Of course, Perl is a good
scripting languages and I still use it for scripting. And I still think
it's the best language available for the task that Muttprint performs.
But my interest have changed in direction C, C++ and Java. UTF-8
handling in current Perl versions is awful in my opinion and
OO-programming in Perl is not what I wish.

Most work on Muttprint was not programming but writing documentation,
anwer mails and making releases. One mistake was to write both English
and German documentation. Another mistake was to wait with releases
until all documentation translators have contributed. KDE, Xf ce and
other big projects do this better.

While programming the new UTF-8 stuff I saw that this work was more a
burden than fun and that's the reason for me to look for a new
maintainer of Muttprint. Someone with more time and somewone who really
wants to add new features. So: If YOU like to takeover the developement
of Muttprint, please mail me!


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