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Re: Cloning a workstation

Eric Gaumer wrote:
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 10:14 -0500, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:


I need to clone a workstation (which has some custom configuration and scripts added to otherwise basic Sarge/KDE) into another set of absolutely identical hardware (Intel Pentium 4, IDE HD). Just one clone, not a massive install. What tools would you use? Easiest/quickest? Machines are on an Ethernet, have CD/DVD and floppy drives.

Just for a quick/hard copy, I have sucessfully used knoppix to boot the 2nd machine, replicated the partitions myself and then copied everything from the main machine using "scp -R root@master:/* ." .... not very pretty but it worked... :-)

Ps: I also needed to install grub/lilo by hand after the copy, I was forgetting about that.. just one more command line :-)

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