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Re: apt pinning

Michael Spang wrote on 2004-11-25 06:32:

When I add the following lines

  Package: dbmail
  Pin: release version 2*
  Pin-Priority: 1500

to the /etc/apt/prefrences file, I would have expected that
'apt-get install dbmail-pqsql' (i.e PostgreSQL version of
DbMail) would install v2.x, but it does not, it keeps getting

I did try it with 'apt-get --reinstall install dbmail-pqsql'
but the result is the same. Same result with Synaptic too.

Could someone help, please.

Perhaps 'release' should be removed since you're not specifying a release?

Actually, I did try this version too.

   Package: dbmail
   Pin: version 2*
   Pin-Priority: 1500

Same result.

I'm not sure on how to pin by version, but a pin by release looks something like this:

Package: apt
Pin: release a=unstable

That is the normal way.

Trouble is, this particular repo is sort of weird:  It's got path
information in it, such as 'experimental/' which basically screws
up my thinking..

I mean, it is quite simple to do a mental parse and get the apt pinning
format for something like this:

  deb http://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian/ stable main contrib non-free

But, when the whole thing is just this:

  deb http://debian.nfgd.net/debian experimental/

How do you convert that in a form suitable for apt pinning
in /etc/apt/prefrences file?

That is where I am stuck, basically.


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