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Re: HELP!!!, can't login even as root

On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 05:02:43PM -0500, David Mandelberg wrote:
> arodriguez31@cfl.rr.com wrote:
> > the chroot step didn't work, rr webmail is being a pain, loging me out every 5 sec, sorry if send this mail twice, dont know if it made it
> Hmm, it worked before though, are you sure you followed the exact same
> steps (mkdir /mnt/debian, then mount /dev/<root> /mnt/debian, then
> chroot /mnt/debian /bin/bash)?
> > is chroot indispensible for the dpkg reinstallation?
> It's much easier with the chroot, but it's possible without chrooting.
> Just a brief overview on how chroot (the program not the C function) works:
> 1. make some directory e.g. /mnt/debian the new root (/) for the current
> process
> 2. cd into / (/mnt/debian to the rest of the computer)
> 3. run another program e.g. /bin/bash (/mnt/debian/bin/bash to the rest
> of the computer)
> What that effectively does is put you 'in' your debian system even
> though the computer is running knoppix.

I will need to use uploading of pictures in a website, and it seems to
me that this was the window used by (who/what)ever entered. Do you
have any recommendations about security measures related to this?
May creating some chroot environment, and then "file
pic" and make a decision from there, who knows. Any pointers to this
will be greatly appreciated.

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