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Re: 'rpm --freshen': dpkg Equivalent?

* Kenneth Jacker <khj@be.cs.appstate.edu> [041107 17:05]:

> How can I use 'dpkg' to install a new .deb, but *only* if the package
> is already on a machine?  With RPM, you can use the "freshen" option
> ("-F" or "--freshen").  But how with 'dpkg'?

The only way I know (got through the package localepurge) is the

apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install $(dpkg -S LC_MESSAGES | cut -d: -f1 | tr ', ' '\n' | sor
t -u)

But there might be a simpler ways I'm not aware of.

Yours sincerely,

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