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Re: Memory Management in Linux

On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 23:17 +0100, Silvan Villiger wrote:
> Thank you for this fast answer. Let's forget the thing with the 
> memory-leak for a moment. I'm more interested in understanding the 
> memory management. Does anyone knows a guide which introduces me into 
> the meaning of the expressions I mentioned in my first post?
> Greetings...      Silvan

Here is a link to a guide on the Linux Memory Manager but with the
questions you have, I wish you all the luck in the world. If you don't
have some formal background in computer science (i.e. OS design and/or
at _least_ data structures then your in for an uphill battle -- that
hill being Mount Everest of course...

If you do have a degree in computer science, then it sounds like you got
ripped off.


BTW: There already exists programs that detect memory leaks. Valgrind is
the first that comes to mind.

Eric Gaumer <gaumerel@ecs.fullerton.edu>

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