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Sid: Mplayer ratio question


Running Sid, using Mplayer to view a DVD. The problem is that the 
video out is being scaled and I cannot stop it. This is happening 
with every DVD I own.

When playing back, these seem to indicate the problem. The movies are 
requesting 854x480, mplayer is overriding even though I have not told 
it to:

Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [x11] 720x480 => 854x480 Planar YV12

I've tried setting "nokeepaspect", "aspect 16:9", but what happens is 
that the *window* that mplayer opens is sized at 854x480, but the 
image remains stuck at 720x480 with two blank bands left and right 
taking up the remaining window. Any circles in the film become rather 

XINE plays the movie just fine, BTW, this seems to be purely an 
mplayer problem.

Any suggestions?

September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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