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Re: Wireless Access Point

hi ya werner

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Werner Otto wrote:

> I am looking for value for money, who doesn't :-) 

used junk on ebay is the cheapest ... though i never buy there
but i know what people paid compared to retail pricing

> and needs to have
> allot of security capabilities such as WEP, WPA, WPA- Pres hared Key
> and preferably RSN (do they come out with this).

most all wireless pc cards ( pcmcia ) support WEP
	- 64-bit or 128-bit wep is a separate issue

	- not all cards support wpa ...

	- not all commercial ap support wpa 
	( even if it did support wpa, which encryption mechanism is it )

	- i donno why people would want to use "shred key"
	( guess i'm clueless )
> The reason is I'm am doing a project and need to test and break
> wireless security. Most new access points have the "g" as appose to
> the "b" specifications.

all "g" cards support "b" but not the other way around

netgear products might not work with dlink/linksys/et.al
linksys products might not work with netgear/dlink/et.al
dlink products might not work with netgear/linksys/et.al
...guess what the next several dozen lines would be.. 

whether "it works" or not would depend on what you need/want out of it
	- just to associate and get out on the wired net or ...
	- want 64bit wep or 128bit wep ?
	- want wpa or not and which key encryptions
	- want managed mode support ( you are the client )
	- want master mode support ( you are the ap )
	- want adhoc mode ( you are the ap or client that want to do
		anything you like )
	- want to promiscuous mode to sniff the air for otehr wireless
	- want shared key support ( why .. i donno .. )
	- on and on ...

	- want wireless security ???? ( use ssh2 for everything )

	- if yu are not using ssh2/ssl ... consider your enemy to
	have trivially sniffed all your data and other passwds too

> I think it would be good if the AP and card are able and supported by
> firmware upgrades.

good luck ... aint gonna happen ..

> I am not model specific but would like the card and
> AP to be from the same manufacturer, and be able to do the things I
> need to do and of course P&P into my Debian........

good luck again ... you'd need to which wireless modules is compiled into
your debian kernel and which wireless devices uses those modules

more wireless fun ...

c ya

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