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opera and java

Hi, all,

     I was wondering how to use opera with java.  When starting opera
with the -debugjava option, I get the following message:

opera: [java] There seems to be a preloaded version of Xt.
       There is a workaround for this problem in the opera
       startup script.  If that workaround fails, opera will
       most likely crash every time it tries to use Java.
       The workaround seems to have failed.  Java will be disabled.
       Technical explanation:
       There is a problem with the order of loading Xt and
       Java.  If Xt is loaded before libawt (part of Java),
       Java will crash when it tries to access the screen.
       The workaround is based on using LD_PRELOAD to load
       libawt.so first.

opera: [java] Disabling java due to potential problems. If you know
       what you are doing, you can set the environment variable
       OPERA_FORCE_JAVA_ENABLED to '1' to override this.
       The actual problems should be described above.

Is there any way to make opera work properly with java in Debian


|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.                                           |
|   Research Scientist III                                             |
|   NYS Dept. of Health                           judd@wadsworth.org   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP                                             |
|   P. O. Box 509                                    518 486-7829      |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509                                              |

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