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Re: Is it possible to access an iMac over LAN from Debian ?

Op wo 15-09-2004, om 05:37 schreef Paul E Condon:

> (I'm not much interested in Samba. I would have to learn about
> windoze. Don't want to do that, even a little bit. At least, 
> I'll resist until I'm convinced that there is absolutely no
> alternative.)

I don't think you need to learn about Windoze at all to use Samba. Now I
must admit that I do have a bit of Windoze background... But I found
Samba to be quite easy to setup in exclusively non-Windows environments
too. I see Samba no longer as a Unix/Windows interoperability tool, but
as a networking solution in it's own right.

It does offer the bonus of Windows compatability though. If someone
would come along with a Windows laptop, they would just need to plug it
into the LAN network, type in a password and they will be happy.

For me, Samba is about convenience.

Olav <betenoire@xs4all.nl>

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