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Re: Making ifup or pump work at startup

Nate Bargmann wrote:

* bob parker <bposs@dodo.com.au> [2004 Aug 10 10:48 -0500]:
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 23:52, John Graves wrote:
I have installed the Debian Sarge Distro.   After some adventure, I am
able to create a network connection.  However several oddities occur.

1.  ifup (or ifup eth0) doesn't work at all.

2.  Pump when called the first time, says it can't start and that there
may be another instance of pump running.  But when I check with
ifconfig, I now have eth0 up and running with an ip address.

What does the command 'ps ax | grep "pump"' return after the system
starts?  Does /etc/init.d/networking exist?

846  ?                   Ss      0.00         pump
42.42  pts/1           S+                     grep pump

yes  /etc/inet.d/networking does exist

Check your /etc/network/interfaces, here's a bit of mine.
auto lo eth0 eth1
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet dhcp

Mine is blank.  Should I add what you have??

I use this line with pump on my machines as well.  No problems here
with Sarge (Testing).

If using a PCMCIA network card, then you will probably want to modify
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts and not start your ethernet via
/etc/network/interfaces rather letting pcmcia-cs handle it.

Never heard of pump I'm afraid.


Is this normal? Also, what do I have to do have pump start at boot so I
don't have to manually  start it.  And is the message I get normal or is
there something I am doing or not doing that is causing this message?

No, it's not normal.  Things should work so long as
/etc/network/interfaces is written correctly, but with pump it is quite
simple.  Note that dhcp keyword on the iface line is the same no
matter which DHCP client is used.

- Nate >>

John G.

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