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Re: Invisible Mozilla fonts (partial solution)

I've answered a few questions and got the text visible.  Details at
the bottom.
On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 08:09:08PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> I'm using mozilla 1.6-5 in testing, including mozilla-xft which
> activates the xft support.
> Considerable chunks of the subversion.tigris.org are invisible in this
> browser.  These are pieces formatted with <pre>.
> E.g.,
> http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=73&raw=true
> the text of the message (either raw or formatted) is invisible to me.
> (OK, that wasn't subversion.tigris.org...)
> The page source includes
>  @import "/branding/css/tigris.css";
>  @import "/branding/css/inst.css";
> http://www.tigris.org/branding/css/tigris.css includes
> code, pre {
> 	font-family: 'Andale Mono', Courier, monospace;
> }
> xfontsel shows no Andale fonts.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can go about diagnosing (or
> curing :) ) this problem?  For starters, how do I figure out what font
> mozilla actually asks for?  I'm not sure if I should be focussing on
> Mozilla or my xft setup.
> By the way, I can see the page in Konqueror (though it's very tiny).
> The small size probably is a result of this additional style:
> body, .app h3, .app h4, #rightcol h3, pre, code, #apphead h2 small, h4, table {
> 	font-size: x-small;
> 	voice-family: "\"}\"";
> 	voice-family: inherit;
> 	font-size: small;
> }
> Huh?  font-size x-small and small at the same time?
> Oh, final question for extra credit: I thought the whole purpose of
> style sheets was to make it easy for me to put my own in place of the
> one on the site.  Is there a way to do that?

I've upgraded Mozilla and installed Firefox from unstable.  My
experiments were with firefox; I assume the story is similar for

To answer my last question first, one can put a file userContent.css
in the chrome subdirectory of your profile.  This allows you to
customize the styles and, if you put "! important", override styles
from sites.  So I did this:
pre { font-family: 'Courier New' ! important; }

Now I can see the <pre> formatted text.  It seems to be necessary to
restart the browser to load the new settings.

Interestingly, when I specified Courier (wthout the New or the ') the
page remained invisible.  This, I think, is a clue to why I saw
nothing before: the fonts listed in the site's style sheet are either
not present or not rendered visibly on my system.

I expect monkeying around with rewrite rules for xft could provide a
deeper solution.  I'm still not sure why I have so many invisible
fonts (particularly Courier!), or what the rule is for deciding which
of the fonts in a list to use.  I assume the first is preferred, but
I'm not sure how it (the browser? a library? xft?) determines whether
the font is present or satisfactory, and I don't know how to determine
which font it actually picked to show the text (maybe the DOM
inspector can help?).

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