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Re: Gallery

Alexander Schmehl wrote:


* Thijs Koetsier <debian@thijskoetsier.net> [040716 15:12]:

Yes, as a matter of fact I did today.
What seems to be the problem in the first configuration screen? Normally, the installer outputs the warnings and errors which cause problems.

Which version of Gallery did you download? Did you download directly to your server or through your workstation and could you've uploaded in the wrong mode (ASCI/Binairy)?

Could someone please explain me, why you are wasting your time,
installing things from source?

There is a gallery package in Debian woody, and if you need a newer one,
take the gallery package from testing. Works very well with woody,
without any dependencies getting in from testing.

Yours sincerely,

Why are you wasting your time installing Linux, when you could buy a working PC out-of-the-box with Windows, at your local supermarket?

Most important consideration in this case, when you install Gallery by source, is that you can use version 1.4.4-RC1, like I did. Latest stable package from Debian is 1.2.5-8, testing is 1.4.3. As you can imagine, the newer version has some features which I prefer (especially during configuration) and has bugfixes. Thus, I chose to install from source and not by package. Besides, installing Gallery from source is really not more than unpacking, so if time really is being wasted, is not that much :-)

Kind regards,

Thijs Koetsier

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