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Re: starting X hangs on network timeout (hosts file ignored)

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:28:56 +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:

> Same behavior (I am using wdm and no xdmcp and the no listen on tcp
> switch). It seems like /usr/X11R6/bin/X is whats causing the trouble,
> running tcpdump when X startx shows the name lookup BTW:
you know, I think we're barking up the wrong tree, in fact I dont even
think we are in the woods at all ;-)
It might well be a bug. but a bug in what?

Try without any x sessions running run 'X' as root and see how long does
it take to start, that way you can see if it is xfree or (I assume your
using it) gnome.

Assuming it starts quickly, next you want to type:
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

$ gnome-session (or enter the name of your wm's main app)

If what I think the problem is is right this should be slow to launch, so
exit it (not X just the wm) and this time on another console run 'netstat
-c' This will show all network connections and refresh them every few
seconds. then relaunch your wm and see does any new datagrams or streams
open up in netstat, esp ones that sit in a state of 'SYN_SENT' You are
going to get a few going no further than /tmp/.orbit-root, I'm fairly sure
they will be streams, they are what gives gnome its network transparency,
even local only connections open up sockets.
Thats what I think the problem is, gnome is trying to open up a network
socket to somewhere.

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