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Re: Changing hostname

Thanks everyone for the reply. 

I can say that changing the hostname, though seems simple, is the
most convoluted part in Linux. As expressed by Kent West:

| there may be several places in the /etc directory where it is
| specified in various config files, such as /etc/hosts. There may
| be a squid config file that needs changing also. You might want to
| run something like "grep -r -n cxmr /etc" to find all the
| locations where the filename is used.

In RedHat, when using linuxconf, all the following files have been
changed. I checked *every one of them* before posting my question.


Micha Feigin's comment seems to be the most professional to me:

| first thing, you host name is merely cxmr.  dyndns.org is your
| domain name, not part of your hostname. That should appear in the
| domain directive in your /etc/resolv.conf if you want.

However, this approach doesn't seem to be necessary to me:

$ cat /etc/hostname 

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver 24....
nameserver 24....

$ hostname

$ hostname --fqdn

$ dnsdomainname

You see, everything seems to be fine. (!?)

Paul Johnson's comment makes me think that changing the hostname
is far from simple:

| >       cxmr.dyndns.org                 localhost
|    localhost
| <your-ip>    cxmr.dyndns.org    cxmr

That's actually what I want to do. I.e., I want my FQDN reflects 
my real IP address, not  localhost, but that seems impossible,
because I'm getting a new IP every time I reboot. 

Any comments? Thanks


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