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Re: Good Linux backup program

On 2004-06-26, Katipo <katipo@weavers-web.org> wrote:
> Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:
> Backup2l works. (That's an l, not a 1).
I absolutely second that.  I've been using it for months and it performs
flawlessly.  It's a commandline application and the original poster was
asking for a GUI, but how hard can "backup2l -l pattern" to list files
and "backup2l -r pattern" to restore them be?  Once you set up the
config file, you forget about it.  If you are interested in an
incremental backup program that is easy to set up (as compared to
industrial-strength solutions like amanda), and uses standard tools
(tar, gzip/bzip2, etc.), you should definitely check it out.  The debian
package comes with a ready-make cron job, and another big plus is that
in the config file you can set up pre- and post-backup commands.  I
mirror my local backup directory to an ftp server using just that.

Ivan Fernández

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