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Help with telnet for regular user on woody


I'm having a hard time with telnet on my debian woody box.  Network is fine,
I can SSh to the box but I have a need to be able to turn on telnet when
necessary.  I can't get it to work to save me.  I use xinetd, and I have
telnet configured in it's .conf as follows:

service telnet
        flags       = NAMEINARGS
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = nobody
        server      = /usr/sbin/tcpd
        server_args = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
        disable     = no

I have verified the programs listed in xinetd.conf above are in the path.  I
see an error in syslog that says:

in.telnetd[435]: connect from
telnetd[436]: /usr/lib/telnetlogin: Permission denied

I searched google and a post suggested a screwed up telnetlogin, so I tried
running it at the command prompt.  No core dump as others had, mine just
logs in like it's supposed to.

The source telnet IP's are in /etc/hosts.allow, and not in .deny, just like
the ssh entries and again, ssh is working from the same source IP's.

I've fiddled with xinetd.conf and bounced it using kill -USR2 [pid].  I see
it reload in the syslog, no errors.

Can someone help me get telnet working?  I don' tknow what else to try.

Thanks for the time to help,

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