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Re: kernel-image 2.6.5 and tg3 Network card Poweredge 1750

El jue, 29-04-2004 a las 08:24, Jens Schmalzing escribió:

> In this situation, I would recommend you identify the part of the
> Debian patch that backs out the tg3 driver, revert it, package it as a
> kernel patch package, and use it locally to get a Debian kernel with
> tg3 support.  This seems a lot of work at first, but is very nice to
> have around for the next kernel upgrade.
	It's easier than that. You can download kernel source from Internet
(not the debian package, but the original kernel). Then run "make-kpgk
kernel_source" and you get a debianized package of the kernel source.
Finally, continue as if you downloaded the kernel source from a debian

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Area de Tecnologías de la Información       _o)
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