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Re: To mbox or not, that is the question! (fwd)

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 04:16:48AM -0400, Alan Ezust wrote:

| Does this mean you found a way of using mutt and kmail on the same maildir 
| folder, with subfolders and sub-sub folders?


| That would be very nice - the ability to use a text-client when
| remote, and kmail when local. I'm still trying to figure out a good
| way of reading my maildir folders remotely without running over
| x-windows and without setting up my own IMAP server

Use ssh (openssh or putty) and run mutt in the terminal when you are
remote.  The only trick is to understand where kmail puts the folders
so that you can tell mutt to look there.  mutt itself doesn't really
care, and is so configurable that you can make it do almost anything.

One example (option) :
    $ cd ~/Mail
    $ mutt -f .the-name-of-the.mail-subfolder

See how mutt really doesn't care where the folder is or what it is
named, as long as it is a valid mbox, maildir, mh or
something-else-I-forgot mail spool?

Another option :
    Read 'man muttrc' and then edit your ~/.muttrc so that mutt
    doesn't hide hidden files.  Then the visual navigation in mutt
    will display the folders where kmail "hides" them.  (I'm sure its
    possible but I don't know the exact parameter offhand)

Another option is to use mutt's 'mailboxes' directive to explicitly
tell mutt about all your mailboxes.  Then run 'mutt -y' and select a
mailbox to open.

| (I understand Courier-IMAP also recognizes the same file format as
| Kmail, so you can in theory set that up, and then remotely access
| your maildir files using any IMAP client).

Setting up courier is really not difficult.  I finally did that and
have mutt connect to courier rather than reading the maildirs locally.
This way I get to ignore the fact that courier uses '.' instead of '/'
to separate folders (a very reasonable choice, IMO) and mutt shows the
folders the same way IMP does.  (at the same time I set up courier I
also installed IMP, a rather nice-looking webmail program)


Better a little with righteousness
than much gain with injustice.
        Proverbs 16:8
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: dman@dman13.dyndns.org

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