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Re: Downloading Debian using Jigdo

> Completely new to Linux.
> Was trying to run Jigdo and get the ISO images to build a CD for
> installation...

Hello Deighton

I'm afraid that my experience was similar to yours. I'm not completely new
to it - I don't know how anyone _completely_ new could possibly cope with
the myriad of incomprehensible questions that one gets asks during
installation. Several of them tripped me up a few days ago, even though I
consider myself semi-experienced! (The least comprehensible was something
like "You won't be able to compile old (and some new) kernels with this
version of binutils...". I thought this was a catastrophe, but looked on the
web and someone's page said just to ignore it, and so try what it said in
the message should it ever be a problem).

I read the stuff that said "Try jigdo", so I tried it. Just got
incomprehensible errors similar to yours. By now I've forgotten what they
said, as I just downloaded a .iso instead with ftp (disk1 was enough to get
me started). Does 'jigdo' work for anyone, or do all the experienced folks
out there just ignore the docs which tell you to use it?

Clarke Brunt

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