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Re: perldoc path in debian

dircha wrote:
I'm running perl out of unstable. Via CPAN I've installed several perl modules rooted in ~/perl instead of /usr.

$ perldoc LWP::Simple
properly locates the documentation in /usr/share/man/man3/LWP::Simple.3pm.gz.

The documentation for, for example, the Java::JVM::Classfile module installed to /home/dircha/perl/man/man3/Java::JVM::Classfile.3pm

$ perldoc Java::JVM::Classfile
does not locate it.

I can access it with 'perldoc -F' by specifying the full path, but that is less than desirable.

Is there an environment variable similar to MANPATH that I should be setting for perldoc, or is there perhaps a configuration file where I can set this option?

Appending /home/dircha/perl/man to PERL5LIB or PERLDOC does not seem to solve the problem.

Oops. Those directories were for man.

I meant that, for example,
perldoc -F /home/dircha/perl/share/perl/5.8.3/Java/JVM/Classfile.pm works.

Although that doesn't seem to help me any for perldoc.


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