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Re: upgrade debian kernal

S.D.A. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 07:21:11PM -0500 or thereabouts, Kent West wrote:
Chris Lowe wrote:

I am running debian base 3.0r0 and I need to upgrade to kernel 2.6.3. I would like to use menuconfig to build the kernel. I am new to debian and have never compiled my own kernel before. What tools will I need to install/update before I can build the kernel?

If you're just wanting to upgrade to kernel 2.6.3, there's no need to recompile (assuming you're running sid at least, and maybe earlier versions). Just
  apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.3-686
(assuming a Pentium Pro or newer). You can see other available kernel versions with
  apt-cache search kernel-image

Hi Kent:

Not the OP, but I'd like to jump in, to clarify something for myself. :)

It seems to me, that there is more to installing a binary kernel image, if one
is going from the 2.2.x kernel in Woody, to a newer one.

Could someone detail the steps, say going from 2.2.x to  2.4.x. I mean, doesn't
one have to run lilo, make sure mod tools are installed, etc.?

I always get confused on the add such n such a stanza, to one's lilo. It doesn't
really say what line to put it on, etc. So speaking for myself, (but I'm sure
others would be interested to) it would be nice for someone to list the steps in
detail. Apologies if this has been done before, but if it has, I surely can't
find it.


I've never had to do anything extra _except_ add the initrd line to lilo.conf.

When you "apt-get install kernel-image-2.4-blahblah", it should warn you about this; at this point, if I haven't already done so on a previous kernel upgrade, I let that sit and hope over to a different VT or terminal window, and edit /etc/lilo.conf, like so:

#       restricted
#       alias=1

Notice the single line that says "initrd=/initrd.img"; this is the only line I have to add, and I don't believe it matters where in the "stanza" it goes. Then I save the file and hop back to my kernel installation and tell it to continue. As part of the installation, it runs lilo so I don't have to. Note also that this line is only needed with kernels that were built to use an _init_ial _r_am _d_isk, which most official Debian kernels are, I believe.


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