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Re: running jigdo-lite batch

Gregory Seidman wrote:
On Sun, Apr 11, 2004 at 07:13:13PM -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
} Hi world!
} } I would like to run jigdo-lite in batch mode. } } That way I can stack 3 runs and have them done overnite. } } Is that possible? Man and Howto not too helpful. Mailing-list is mostly } spam. Could hack the script. Takes time.

I used this script to create a full set of sarge ISOs. You may find it
helpful in writing your own script.



yes | tr 'y' '\012' | {
        while test $CURCD -le $CDCOUNT
                URL="`echo \"$URLTMPL\" | sed s/XXX/$CURCD/`"
                jigdo-lite "$URL"
                CURCD="`expr $CURCD + 1`"

} Thanks!
} Hugo

Thanks Greg! However, I think I have to use expect, although I dislike the author's having put the greater part of the docs in his book that he is selling. The reason is that things go wrong and you have to handle that. E.g. just now jigdo-lite could not connect to the server in the middle of the run and did not download 50 files and came to a grinding halt and asks what to do: in this case try it again.

But sometimes you have to Ctrl-c out when it proves a file is just nowhere, like recently with Sarge CD#6 and I forget who he was looking for.

Sometimes the server goes down like http://debian.midco.net/debian/ that left on me the other day.


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