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Re: sig dashes munged at master.d.o or Mutt issue?


Marc Wilson:

> Xterm won't let you highlight/select text that isn't there, if you
> understand what I mean, while Eterm will happily let you select the
> whole damn window even if there's no text in it, and deliver spaces
> when you paste it elsewhere.

Funny thing is that my won't. But it might be that
"select_trailing_spaces 0" thing in the config, you never know.

> Actually I don't care about the trailing spaces per se, it's just that
> they're there in the mbox file, and therefore I think mutt should be
> drawing them, or it be documented that it doesn't.

Well, mine Mutt does draw them. Have you tired Mutt in the Linux
console (i.e. without X) and see what does the mouse select there?

shot@chastell:~$ apt-cache policy mutt eterm
  Version Table:
 *** 0
        990 http://ftp.debian.org unstable/main Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installed: 0.9.2-5
  Candidate: 0.9.2-5
  Version Table:
 *** 0.9.2-5 0
        990 http://ftp.debian.org unstable/main Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

-- Shot
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