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Re: logging stdin && stdout (fwd)

ok, i found the solution if anybody interested in it:

tee -a logfile | mosml | tee -a logfile

only one problem with this: if mosml has finished i need to press a ctrl+D.

I read the manual, but unfortunately redirection cannot redirect the given input of a program into a file, just can redirect the input from a file into a program.

So, my question, 

If there is a program with a promt, for example an installation program, or ML interpreter, or whatever, how can i log the stdout and stdin without distrurbing the run of the program?

Just an example:
fejt2@debian:~$ /usr/bin/sajat/mosml
Moscow ML version 2.00 (June 2000)                    //program output line
Enter `quit();' to quit.                                              //program output line
- fun db s = s ^ s;                                                 //program input line
> val db = fn : string -> string                                 //program output line
- db "asdff";                                                         //program input line
> val it = "asdffasdff" : string                                   //program output line
- quit();                                                                //program input line

my question is, that how should i start mosml, if i want to have the all output and input line of the program (output line is what the program write, and input line is that what i type in) into the "logfile"? (in the order as above).

tee logfile | mosml | tee logfile logs what i need, but in a wrong order. First the stdin, and then the all stdout, and not common.

Anybody could help me please?

On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 08:21:59AM +0100, Na Zo wrote:
> Is there any way to log into a file by an interactive program the stdout  
and the stdin? I tried out tee, screen, and script, but didn' t find the
solution. By that interactive program i' d like to log all characters on the 
console. For example "program | tee file" will log only the stdout, and "tee 
file | program | tee file" will log at first the stdin and just after the   
stdout into the file, so in a separated way.

man sh

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