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Re: ssh -X from A through B to C

[Mark Gillingham]
> The box that has my CVS work is on a private network. If I'm on that
> private network, I can forward X from the box to my Mac 10.2 box. If
> I'm outside the network, I can ssh to another box on the private
> network with a public IP and then ssh again to the private box. I
> cannot, however, ssh -X from A (outside the private network) to B (on
> the private network with a public address) to C (on the private
> network without a public address). I suspect this has to do with
> .xauth-esque privilege settings. Where to I go to hunt this down?

What you're trying to do is a bit Rube Goldberg, but AFAIK it should
work.  One possibility is that your intermediate machine does not have
'xauth' in the path.  On Debian this is provided by the 'xbase-clients'
package, and it is needed on *both* ends of an "ssh -X" session.

Alternatively, the intermediate machine's sshd might not have X
forwarding enabled.  You can try adding "X11Forwarding yes" to your
/etc/ssh/sshd_config on that machine.


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